Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Traveling man

So Friday we found out last minute that we're able to go out to Santa Cruz for the big birthday shindig for Fifty Normal and Tina-Maan. That meant that after the wife got out of work we'd high-tail it out to the South Bay (even farther than the South Bay). It also meant that I had to load up the van with our luggage as well as the dj gear for the big wedding. I was still putting music together as well as trying to make sure the house was clean. Thankfully the wife sent me an email with all of the things she needed packed whether for her, the boys or just the family as a whole. Remember, we're in Santa Cruz with the beach, we're staying there till Sunday and we're also attending a wedding in between.

After leaving Vacaville I had several trips to make. I had to pick up bamboos for tinikling from some friend's kids in Vallejo who performed it last week. Vincent was going to get them from me for a Likha performance so I left them with my mom for him to pickup . I then made my way to Contra Costa to pickup the family and then proceeded to Drama Queen's house to pickup some gear that Da Factor used for his gig the other weekend. Then we went to the Atendido's to pickup some remaining gear. By then the van was stuffed to the top and the clock was showing 7:30pm. One more stop to Union City to get some cds from my dj buddy, Joe Skizzle, so that my hip hop collection was up to date. At least we were able to stay on the 880 to go straight to 17 and Santa Cruz. We made good time arriving around 10:30pm and chilled with the folks who were able to make it up on Friday as well. We killed the bottle of Black Label we got from the last weekend, let the boys run around with Isaac for a little while and then went to bed. Lots to do the next day.


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