Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The days just roll on by...

Since my last post I've been busy with a couple things. Namely, I had a big gig on saturday with a lot of high expectations. Also, we've got just one week till the big show for Likha and I've got things to do there also. Friday, I went back to Akita's in Walnut Creek for the wedding rehearsal dinner. I ate and ate and ate. I met a lot of nice people as well as met people who were acquaintances of other friends. It's always a small world with weddings. I also picked up a couple new pieces of equipment. I got two new lights that really give off a "club feel". They're solidly made, heavy but not too expensive since I got them used. I also got a pair of Pioneer CDJ-1000s with cases. I really couldn't pass that up since they are the industry standard. And although I really like the Denon decks that we have I'll be able to do more promotional and pro audio gigs for other types of events like battles or showcases. At the wedding in beautiful San Ramon, I met more and more people since I was the main emcee. There was a really good vibe but it was a little intimidating knowing that you're around people who were: Berkeley or UC Davis grads, lawyers, doctors and the like. I even met someone who is going to clerk for Supreme Court Justice Stevens in D.C. Really nice guy too, top of his class at Boalt Law school.
This week I'm busy getting tech stuff ready for our show on saturday. Since I'm not working and am pretty much available whenever needed, I've put myself out there to get things taken care of. There's also a party at Zebulon on saturday for a friend who is being deputized. We're spinning that night so I'll be shooting over there after the show. Come by and have a drink or three.


At 11:57 AM , Blogger triple5funk said...

pssst...I just got my Technics 1200s MKII's...$500 for the pair, including slipmats and ortofon needles! :)

At 4:33 PM , Blogger ojpt said...

Are you gonna play Fuck tha Police at zebulon? j/k


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