Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Old School buddies

An old friend from high school (actually, even grammar school) came by the other day and hung out with us on Sunday and even most of Monday. He came down to get some music and just shoot the breeze. It's been awhile since he'd seen the house, from the day we moved in, and it was a chance to take advantage of his firefighter's schedule of one day on, three days off. I need that schedule too! It's a big lifestyle change to pursuit firefighting, even just to train as one. Anyways, it was good to see him and shoot the breeze and catch up on life in general. Although you'd like to be able to speak with someone that you're close to more often, the catch up time is really nice because there are so many things to talk about and even rehash. I'm blessed to have so many friends because they aren't just acquaintances. These are people that as soon as the conversation starts it's almost as if you've just seen them the other day and you haven't skipped a beat. I've really held my old school buddies close to my heart as well because they were like brothers that I didn't have, growing up as an only child. So here's to you, Old School Buddies, wherever you may be...


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