Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The slacker that I am

Okay, so I've been a big time blog slacker. It's really bad on my part because I am now using a Powerbook G4 that I bought from a fellow deejay. I'm on the internet constantly, looking for different jobs, reading email, kinda catching up on other's blogs. So, what have I been up to...

I didn't get the Bio-Rad job. I had a funny feeling about it, even though I was on an inside track due to a friend who worked there. I'm kinda glad I didn't get it since it would have been tough to work out the vacation to the Netherlands. I'm still thinking of just going to another field completely: teaching, peace officer, nursing or lab tech. I still like IT but there are so many guys out there with better resumes than me but I push on.

I am enjoying the unemployment checks, though. I'm home with the boys. They're a handful, but really, the only thing that would make it better is if the wife were home with us as well. I do a lot more cleaning up after them since they're like a human tornado, dropping hot wheels, crayons, otter pop wrappers, dvd's all over the place.

The deejay gigs are starting to pour in. I've done a couple of gigs, weddings, birthday parties. The more exciting news is that I've got a new setup that allows me to use my two turntable, MKIIs, and this new laptop, and play my mp3s through the record player. Check this link for Serato. It is awesome. I can just load up all the mp3s I want onto the laptop or an external drive and play away. Basically it's the rebirth of the turntable dj.

Of course we just came back from the Netherlands, and I'll blog about that in another post right after this. We missed our boys so much but when we did talk to them, they just brushed us off their shoulder. It made it easier knowing that they were doing great even though we weren't there. If we can do another tour, we'll see how feasible it is to bring the kids. I'd love for my parents to join us. They're great travelers themselves.

I'm gaining weight. I don't exercise much, except for my weekly softball game which doesn't exert much energy that I would need in order to lose lbs. I really want to get to a gym but I ended my membership with 24 hr fitness. I can get it back but I just don't know. I hadn't used it in the past 2 years. That's really bad...

I think I can devote half an hour to blogging and reading blogs so I'm going to try to stay on top of it. I'm excited about some of the gigs coming up, including my cousin's wedding this weekend. My whole family will be there and they all love to dance. I'll do my best to keep them on the dancefloor. And yes wife, Mo may even come out to help and spin.


At 5:34 PM , Blogger Mighty Mom said...

Well someone has to pay the bills... I wish I could be at home too... but I get more lazy... at least at work I am productive!!

At 1:03 PM , Blogger sabrinasmom said...

Nursing is always good (ka-CHING) if you are looking at a career change.

At 5:19 PM , Blogger triple5funk said...

have you seen the new Rane mixer??? it has serato built-in to the mixer itself so you don't have to carry the console around. i'm considering that when i get around to buying the turntables..but i am still attached to records hehe.


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