Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Gettin' Kinda Hectic

Just need to make a few political points today. I guess the heat is getting to me and making me angrier about the world situation. Whether or not you are for or against what Israel is doing in Lebanon, blame can be easily spread around all sides. You can't even get into a discussion about who started it because both sides will point to some incursion or kidnapping or bombing that happened as the reason it all began. For me it's gotten to the point where you just listen to Marvin Gaye sing "make me wanna holler, throw up both my hands..." I'm tired of this. I read it everyday in the news, on blogs and different sites. I really have tried to stop watching tv on it because it's just disgusting. These people on tv, all they do is scream now. There's no true discussion. The only show that does discuss it is on PBS and even their news show has lost it's real in depth coverage, afraid of how the right-wing will portray them. I still listen to my favorite host, Bernie Ward, on KGO on at late-night. And although I know he's a tried and true left-wing progressive like myself, he still knows how to make an argument and stick with it. I know that I'm going to agree with him most of the time, but I still try to listen to both sides. You have to know what the other side is arguing in order to be a part of a true debate and discourse.

And Mr. Bush sits there doing nothing. It's really embarrassing. The world can crumble around him and all he can say is "freedom is on the march", "we're showing resolve" or some other catchphrase that someone made up for him. I'm looking forward to that day in January of 2009 when a new president is sworn in and he steps away. I'm really looking forward to a Congress that shows some guts so hopefully there will be some change in this election year. If not, we get what we deserve. Hold onto your butts people, it's going to be an interesting path that we're walking and no one knows what's around the corner.


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